Real Life in the Zoo

Real Life in the Zoo

The animals play the main role in this series. The animals are the real main characters and the supporting roles are for the caretakers or zoo staff. Decisive for the program is the camera technology, which shows the animals' lives everywhere behind the scenes and out of sight of the audience. We experience the 24-hour feeling within the walls of the zoo, just like the animals themselves. The program is recorded at Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen, the Netherlands.

Created By


Returning Series

Original Name

Het echte leven in de dierentuin

First Air Date

June 16, 2019

Last Air Date

March 9, 2024







Production Companies

I Care ProductiesNTR




Episode 6

Red panda female Kwina is participating in a study to help her peers in the wild. Janno from the zoo will take the results of the research to the nature conservation project in India and Nepal. Plants have an ingenious way of combating pests such as lice. They use scents to call in help from predatory ladybugs and ruthless parasitic wasps. And these pierce their victims alive to lay eggs. Female Lace Chilly Noodle is quite shy when she is joined by male Pincho. He helps her thaw. But then something dramatic happens.

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